Водитель категории Е
63 года (27 Января 1962)
1984-1990 Agricultural Institute of Stavrol, Specialization Veterinarry Scienses
1979 -1982 Agricultural Collage of Tsinamdvriantkari
1969 -1979 Gamarjveba Secondary school
In the past two ihave worked on Pipeline engineer Project for BP, as a contractor with MeConnell Dowel@lattery working for GPC trough an agency. The main eork has been the pipeline Repair Projects, initally as a laboree, but in the last stge as a member of the GPC multi skilled in grit blasting& clock spring.
Worked as a Speiepetrofac driver,then a camp Foreman. After this I worked as a Transport supervisor. I can drive all kinds of heavy equimpent.
From Agust I,2007 to april I, 2008-I worked at GSS Company at the post of the transport supervisor. Also, I worked as safety officer at Marneuli Mechanical yard.
From May I, 2008 to Agust 31, I worked as low driver – operator at BP transport.
From October 2008 I have been working as the operator at Rapid Enginer Companay, I have also completed trainings of Bp safety.
Repair Crew Member, GPC, WREP Pileline Repairs 07/2002to 01/2003
Woking of the phase 4 Pipeline repair as a crewmember, working on the line Wrap Pipeline rapairs by clock spring method&pipeline coating&holiday detection. Specialist training was also undertaken in pipeline git blasting, clock spring pipeline repair & BP on and off road Driving assessment.
Laborer, MeConnell Dowell, Cailper Supevev Verification 10/200lto06/2002
Worker for MCD as a laborer, in the wrapping crew, for the emergrncy pipeliner repair program. My duties were manually with the wrapping crew, but when needed I assisted with the excavation & weding crews.
Laborer, MeConnell Dowell Survey Verification 03/200 l to 10/2001
Caliper Surevey invstigation works, part of 6 man hand excavation crew, to locate expose & measure Projected dents in the WRAP.
Doctor of Veterinary Svienee 08/1984 to04/2001
Veterinary Doctor working in the gamarjveba farm.
BPDriver assessment-georgia
Crit Blast Course-Training conducted by hodge Ciemco.
Clock spring insttallation course-Training conducted by Clock spring L.P
27 июля, 2016
43 года (21 февраля 1981)
27 июля, 2016
48 лет (17 декабря 1976)
31 августа, 2016
39 лет (23 октября 1985)