Редактор-переводчик с английского языка
33 года (12 Июня 1991)
Desirable position: English teacher and German of languages
Address: Novosibirsk, Vysotsky Street 41/5
Driver's license В
Education: the highest, teacher of a foreign language (German and English)
Year of training: 2009-2014, "AGAO of V. M. Shukshin" (FGBOU VPO "AGAO") Biysk
Work experience: August 2013 September, 2013 "LLC Adidas Biysk", a position - the specialist in sales 3 categories.
September 2013 November 2013 MBOU "Kytmanovsky SOSh No. 1" of the village of Kytmanovo, a position - the English teacher.
December 2013 July, 2014 of LLC Pover Print Biysk, a position - the sales manager.
December 2013 May, 2014 of LLC KLASS Biysk, a position - the teacher of German and English.
August, 2014 - October, 2014, "KGBPOU "The Altai polytechnical technical school" Barnaul", a position - the teacher of German.
October 2014-till present, "MBOU "No. 81 SOSh"" Barnaul, a position - the English teacher.
My achievements: September 2009 June, 2010 "Federal Agency by training of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Biysky pedagogical state university of V. M. Shukshin", leader of children's recreation camps (certificate).
October, 2009 - December, 2009 "The educational and methodical center of faculty of foreign languages of the Biysk pedagogical state university of V. M. Shukshin", "Web designer" (certificate).
January, 2010 - May, 2010 "The Altai Regional Public Organization "Altai Regional Union of the Children's and Teenage Organizations"", the leader of children's recreation camps (udostoreniye).
December, 2010 - June, 2011 "Federal Agency by training of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Biysky pedagogical state university of V. M. Shukshin", the head of national folklore ensemble (certificate).
October, 2011 - June, 2012 "The educational and methodical center of faculty of foreign languages of the Biysk pedagogical state university of V. M. Shukshin", the translator (the sphere of business communication, business documentation, the translation of scientific and technical literature, technology of interpretation in the sphere of business communication) (certificate).
February, 2013 - May, 2013 of FGBOU VPO of "AGAO of V. M. Shukshin", the guide-interpreter (certificate).
April, 2015 of "Wentan Graf", "Modern approaches to the organization and carrying out a lesson of English in FGOS sales terms on the example of use of UMK FORWARD" (certificate).
February, 2016 - February, 2016 the Autonomous non-profit educational organization "Teacher's club" Barnaul, "Designing of results of development by pupils of the main educational program in FGOS sales terms (the subject "English"" (certification).
Personal qualities: Ability to work in big collective, commitment, resistance to stress, the competent speech, skill to communicate, responsibility, a training, quickly I find contact with children, relations with parents confidential.
27 июля, 2016
43 года (21 февраля 1981)
27 июля, 2016
48 лет (17 декабря 1976)
31 августа, 2016
39 лет (23 октября 1985)